Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Finish Strong

I have a mantra that I'm guilty of overusing with my faculty, staff, and students. That mantra is FINISH STRONG. I use it to try to inspire our students to give their best effort day in and day out. I use it to encourage them to do their best all five days of state testing. I use it with our teachers to encourage them to make every single day count. I want them to bring their best efforts every day and finish our school year with meaningful and engaging lessons. 

I was sitting in church Sunday listening to the pastor say he was about to explain the difference in those who finish the race well and those who just plot along seemingly aimless. I sat up in my seat and took out a pen. I knew this was going to be good. Finally! Someone was about to shed some light on this part of the human psyche that is perceived as lazy and uncommitted to excellence. You see I've worked with students and teachers for many years and quite honestly not everyone finishes strong. I have asked myself many times why some people sprint to the finish line with determination and while others seem like they are not happy to even exist in their current situation much less finish the school year strong. Are you ready to hear the pastor's response? It's one simple, yet powerful word, INTEGRITY.

People who finish strong have integrity. They have a strong commitment to do the right things with excellence. Integrity is about more than following the rules. Integrity is about behavior and doing the right thing - because it's right! People who finish strong take pride in knowing deep down that they are doing it because it is what is honorable. The question I ask myself is this, "How do I help others to develop this habit of finishing strong?" The pastor referenced Romans 5:4, "And perseverance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation." When tough times happen in our lives we have to push through them with the right mindset. A mindset of what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. This mindset will strengthen us. A mindset of playing the victim and feeling sorry for ourselves will not help us to grow. It will not help us to persevere with integrity through future trials. In conclusion, I want to leave you with two examples of people who persevered and finished strong with integrity. The first was a 1968 Olympic runner from Tanzania. The second is a famous screenwriter who learned from his father and grandfather how to persevere through tough times with his head held high. How do we help others to finish strong? Outside of encouragement and modeling I don't think we can. It must come from within.  

"My country did not send me 5000 miles to see me start the race, they sent me 5000 miles to finish the race." John Steven Awkhari

Braveheart Screenwriter, Randall Wallace
"I too have cried out, 'My God why have you forsaken me.'" Randall Wallace
Speech at the 2011 National Prayer Breakfast (Powerful - 24 minutes) 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! What a different place it would be if we all ended the year strong...with integrity! I hope you don't mind if I borrow this mantra! :)
