Presentation at The Ron Clark Academy to Potential Donors
RCA's Impact on Student Achievement and Teacher Morale
Presentation at The Ron Clark Academy to Potential Donors
RCA's Impact on Student Achievement and Teacher Morale
One-on-One With America's Most Inspiring Teachers; Conversations on the Art of Teaching
What are people saying about this publication?
Worth every penny as the advice is priceless. So full of practical ideas
any teacher can implement. A wonderful book, easy read and can't put it
down! So full of great advice from educators that have been
successfully teaching for many years. Straight forward to the point
conversations that inspire new teachers and motivate experienced ones.
Wish the author would pick 10 more and have a conversation with them.
Should be a pre-requisite for everyone that goes into teaching, learn
from the masters and have a more rewarding career. It should be in every
teachers personal library or at least the staff developers. As a
educator I can't say enough about the quality of this book and how it
impacted my teaching thank you Mr. Roberts! Loved it!!
by: momof5 (Amazon.com)
Author and educator Mike Roberts interviews 10 of the most recognized and celebrated teachers in America. His questions bring out the best in each and range from classroom management techniques to ideas for starting your own school, and everything in between. This book is full of ready to use concepts, strategies and techniques and would be a tremendous resource for any educator who hungers to learn from the best. I recommend this book to all educators and believe it should be a text in all teaching education courses.
by: Bill Burkhead, Principal of Monomoy High School, Massachusetts
This year marks my 5th year in classroom, an arguably pivotal year when a lot of educators make THE decision: whether to make a career in teaching or move on the greener (and more lucrative) pastures. It was at this point that I happened to run across Mike Roberts on Twitter promoting this book on a blog, and so I decided to check it out. From the moment I picked up the book it was hard to put it down! (I managed to complete it in about three days.) Rather than vague or complex how-to manual, these series of in-depth interviews of teachers of various backgrounds, grade levels and subjects provides just enough to get a teacher - both new and veteran - thinking of ways to inspire his or her students both in and out of the classroom. Who knew you could teach students math by having them construct a fully operational motorcycle IN CLASS? Who knew you could transform your classroom into a beach when talking about pieces of literature inspired by it? Who knew that when talking about radioactivity you could get a survivor of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima to bring it to life to the students? Certainly not all of these ideas would work for every teacher in every school, but that's the beauty of this book. The teacher is free to adapt these ideas that will best inspire their students to learn. I found I had to often pause, reflect, and stretch my own thinking after reading a particularly inspiring story. I highly recommend this book to any teacher looking to change things up a little (or a lot) in their classroom and reinvigorate a passion and culture of learning and discovery. After I finished the book, I felt empowered to try some of the same things these teachers did in their classrooms, or if I didn't think I could do it to pass it on to another teacher in my school. My copy of this book has definitely passed through many hands, all of whom say they are glad I shared it with them. So, my advice is to go ahead and order it. Who knows? Perhaps you'll be one of the teachers profiled in Mike's next book!
by: Black Pierrot (Amazon.com)
Breakout Workshop at Carroll County Schools Leadership Advance
Presentation to the Fairfield Plantation Kiwanis Club
Ithica Elementary School; A School of Academic Excellence
Presentation to the Fairfield Plantation Kiwanis Club
Ithica Elementary School; A School of Academic Excellence
Presentation to the Villa Rica Parks and Recreation Youth Camp
Be a Leader
Reading Attitudes and Instructional Methodology: How Might Achievement Become Affected?
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