At the end of his gospel, John stated that if someone wrote down everything that Jesus did, the world itself could not contain the books that would have to be written. With that being stated, I want to illustrate Jesus great servant leadership style with just a few examples. A leadership style that was intended to be put to use by any of us.
HE STUCK TO HIS MISSION - He knew his mission statement, and he did not deviate from it. His mission was to teach people about a better way of life. If you pause and think about the things Jesus could have done but didn't. He had limitless power from above and could have done literally anything. He did not build a temple or a synagogue. He did not heal all of the sick people in the world. He did not go down to the graveyards and raise everyone from the dead. His mission was specific and he stuck to his mission.
HE DID THE DIFFICULT THINGS - Many leaders today get themselves into trouble when they stop doing the difficult things in order to be liked or win approval. Jesus did the difficult things. Peter tried to stop Jesus from going to Jerusalem. He sensed danger there, and he was right. However, Jesus knew it was part of a larger plan. He set his course toward Jerusalem knowing the consequences. Jesus knew how to say, "no." He said no to the ambitious young man who wanted to follow him. He said no to his mother when she was trying to interrupt his teaching. He said no to temptations in the wilderness. He said no, at times, to himself: "No, I will not run from this. I will drink the cup that is placed before me."
HE HAD A PASSIONATE COMMITMENT TO THE CAUSE - What do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples when he drove the money changers from the temple? Some think it was to show God's contempt for greed. Others may think he just lost his temper. I think his heart was so filled with emotion that it just caused him to act. A leader who is not passionately committed to the cause will not draw much commitment from others. He constantly spoke to his disciples about the importance of commitment to his cause.
HE BROKE RANKS- The Pharisees were dysfunctional religious leaders whom Jesus felt so strongly about that he called them broods of vipers and other choice words. He had such strong words for them because they were supposed to help set people free, yet instead they enslaved people for their own selfish gain. Jesus knew he had to step out of that crowd in order to set people free. He broke ranks.
HE MADE IT SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND - The Pharisees went to Jesus and said, "Summarize the laws of the prophets. Which law is most important?" They were trying to trick Jesus into misquoting the hundreds of laws in which they had memorized so well. He looked at them and told them that it boils down to this one, "Love God with all your heart and mind and soul, and your neighbor as yourself." He summarized thousands of teachings, writings, and theories into one sentence. He made it simple to understand.
HE WAS WILLING TO RUN THE BALL TO THE OUTSIDE - As quarterback, Jesus knew his game plan could not be to take the truth up the middle. Perhaps he would have preferred to have his message delivered through the Levites and Pharisees. That way was blocked so Jesus ran to the outside. He lead the fishermen, a tax collector, and others to accomplish his mission. Leaders are required at times to be innovative to accomplish a goal.
HE CHANGED THE UNIT OF MEASUREMENT - Jesus constantly said, "It has been written...but I say..." He was changing the unit of measurement - of holiness, of the requirements for entrance into God's presence.... of how we measure growth and worth in the human race. It is not about the volume of your prayers, it is about the depth of them. It is not about how good you look, it is how you treat the lilies. Jesus said using money as the only unit of measurement is the root of all evil. We need to change how we measure success, how we measure progress, and how we measure ourselves. Jesus changed the unit of measurement. We just have to follow it.
HE WAS A TURNAROUND SPECIALIST - Jesus didn't come to give us formulas. He came to give us a new mindset - one that has a turnaround mentality. In fact, the word repent means to turn around. In almost every situation in which Jesus found himself, his job was to turn things around. "The people have forgotten who I am. Turn this around." There is a little girl dying. Turn this around." "People are dishonoring the temple. Turn this around." If people were sitting in ashes, He gave them a garland of joy.
HE FORGAVE THEM - Forgiveness is like oil in an engine. It keeps the gears moving. Jesus is the ultimate symbol of forgiveness. He kept on believing in his disciples. He kept on giving them chances. Peter who pledged eternal faithfulness to Jesus, denied him three times publicly. Jesus forgave him and asked him to show his love now by feeding his sheep.
HE EDUCATED THEM - Since teaching is educating the mind and preaching is educating the heart, two-thirds of Jesus' work was education. When he healed people, he spoke to them about changing their attitudes or a new way of behaving that was to go along with their healed physical state. "Go, and sin no more."
HE SERVED THEM - The principle of service is what separates true leaders from glory seekers. Jesus was a servant leader. Picture the shift in thinking. Old Testament mentality looked at humanity as being indebted to God, trying to find countless ways to please Him. Then along comes a man claiming to be the very son of God, who asks people, "What would you like me to do for you?" If they wanted to see, he opened their eyes. If they wanted to walk, he let them walk. If they wanted a daughter brought back to life, he brought their daughter back to life. If they wanted wine, he gave them wine. He did these things out of love. To love is to serve. They symbol of love is a circle. True service inspires service, which completes the circle. Servant leadership is a softening agent that works on the hardest of hearts and situations.
This is fantastic! I totally agree. Jesus is the ultimate mentor in leadership. I watched this talk several times by Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager. Here it is if you'd like to check it out.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the inspirational read!
Thank you for the kind comments.