The United States Military is the best in the world when it comes to teaching standards. If
the standard requires a soldier to change the tire on a Humvee, the
soldier will change the tire in every possible condition. He will be required
to demonstrate mastery during the day, at night, in the rain, in the
snow, on a hill, and while under fire. If the soldier fails to
demonstrate mastery he is moved or recycled to a group who is approximately two weeks behind the current group. In short, he is remediated and given another chance to master the standard. No one just gives up on the soldier!
In education we need to be more intentional regarding our process of ensuring all students master the standards. How do teachers assess individual mastery of the standards at your school? What remediation structures are in place at your school? Remediation might include; double dosing of academic classes such as
reading and math during the academic school day, after-school tutoring,
Saturday tutoring, and targeted remediation by teachers during their
planning periods.
The video below is an excellent example of how this should work in education.